What Has God Said to Do When You Are Afraid?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

God gives very clear study about what we are supposed to do when we feel frightened about something; we are not to fear! Jesus said over and over to the many citizen He would encounter during His time on earth: "Do not be afraid." Does that mean as children of God we will never be afraid? No. The saints of old were sometimes fearful; the Psalmist said in the Book of Psalms, episode 55:5, that fear and trembling had come upon him. Just as fear came upon the psalmist, fear can come upon us as well.

Where does fear come from? To answer that, it's important to understand that there are two forces in the earth, and these forces are imperceptible to us most of the time; a force for good, and a force for evil. These forces are talked about in the Book of Deuteronomy, especially in episode twenty-eight. God has Moses tell the citizen that if they will obey His words, they will see good in their lives, but if they don't obey Him, then evil will invade their lives. Let me pause for a moment and say that Bible students who correctly divide the Word of God will know that God is never tempting citizen with evil, but evil is in the world; because of that, citizen must make a choice to reject evil and supervene good. The belief of rejecting evil and following good is mandated by God and described in Deuteronomy 30:19, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore pick life, that both thou and thy seed may live."

Todays World News Headlines

When man rejects God's Word they open themselves up to evil and the supervene will all the time be an accompanying fear. In Deuteronomy 28:66 God tells us that because we reject His Word for our lives, our lives will hang in doubt and we will be in fear day and night; that we will have no assurance of life at all. According to many commentaries, the crux of this is that we will live in constant fear and expectation of our lives being taken from us. That beyond doubt sounds a lot like what is happening to so many citizen today, doesn't it? Look colse to and you will see what I mean; all the fear resulting from economic uncertainty in the world, not to mention the fear that accompanies the morning news and headlines with respect to global unrest... Wars and rumors of wars!

Let's return to the question, what does God say to do when fear comes? The Psalmist answers for us in Psalms 27:1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the compel of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" In other words, we are to trust in God. To trust in God is to trust in what God's Word says to do, and then do what His Word says to do. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7:24-27 that anyone who would hear and then do what The Word says to do would be a very wise man who will have built their house on a rock, and they would survive and overcome the storms of life. The opposite would also be true; anyone who heard what God says to do and would settle not to apply it in their life would be like a foolish man who would build their house on sand, and they would not survive the storms of life, but rather they would be destroyed.

Let me ask you, are you trusting in God? If fear is ruling your life the answer is no. If fear is part of your life please know there is a way out, and that way is Jesus Christ and His Word.

What Has God Said to Do When You Are Afraid?

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