Ghosts and hauntings are beloved topics today. Many population want to know how to find places where they can encounter ghosts, too.
It's best start ghost hunting near your own home. Here are ways to find local haunts:
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Search online for your city, town, state, and region, using words such as "ghosts" and "haunted." Many websites list every location that is even rumored to be haunted. In our experience, only a small division of these will have ghosts. However, if the sites are near your home, it's worth checking every location.
Check recent news headlines for reports of hauntings. Some websites list the best regional news stories about ghosts.
Read books at the library. Most collective libraries have a section about the paranormal. Also look among books describing your local area. Libraries regularly have a section specifically about their town or city, and the region in general.
While "ghost" books can be unreliable, they are a good place to start.
Ask people. You may be surprised at how many believe in ghosts, or at least know a few places with ghost stories and haunted histories. Generally, college, high-school and middle school students know rumors about local haunted places.
Check back issues of local newspapers. Most newspapers feature haunted sites in their issues the week before Halloween.
Ask the police. You may be surprised that the police are often the best resource for data about hauntings. Commonly skeptics, the police know which places generate complaints about odd activity--noises, weird lights, and so on--but have no cheap explanations.
Some of the excellent cliches can help you to locate places that are haunted. Here are "tried and true" choices for ghost hunters:
Cemeteries are regularly mildly haunted. Older cemeteries--from the 19th century and earlier--are more likely to have ghosts. scrutinize the oldest sections of cemeteries for the best results. However, many cemeteries are complete in the middle of dusk and dawn. Be sure to scrutinize local laws whenever you go ghost hunting.
Abandoned building sites are often haunted. population don't regularly walk away from a perfectly good house or building unless there is something significantly wrong with it. What's wrong may be a ghost.
Theaters--the kind that have a stage the population have performed on--are approximately always haunted. Usually, these are fun ghosts. Look for ghosts colse to the stage, in the audience, backstage, and just exterior the doors to the seating areas.
Most colleges and some schools regularly have at least one poltergeist. However, you'll probably have to ask the students for help in finding them. An Emf meter can be especially beneficial for locating poltergeist activity.
Avoid investigating underground homes when you are new to ghost hunting. In expanding to issues of safety and the law, population who are troubled by ghosts--or proud of them--have expectations that you may not be able to meet.
These should be a sufficient ideas to get you started when you are new to ghost hunting or are finding for some good local haunts. However, also rely on your gut instinct. If a location looks haunted, it might be a good place to investigate.
Ghost hunting can be a fun hobby, and even more provocative than Tv shows about hauntings. approximately every society has a ghost or two. Use tasteless sense and scrutinize local laws, and you may return home with ghost stories to impress friends and family.
Real Ghost and Hauntings - Find Spooky Places Near your HomeTags : todays world news headlines
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