Gaining publicity straight through the media can position your small business as a highly credible enterprise, and can position you as an expert in the field in which you operate. The challenge for many small business population is generating ideas that the media will surely pick up on and be interested in running a story about. Instead of sitting in front of a computer screen staring at a half-written news issue and waiting for inspiration, you should sit down in front of the "News issue Idea Factory" - the 6 o'clock news.
Think about it. The job of any good local or national newscast is to advise the viewing social of what is going on in the world colse to them, and to yield stories that are of interest to viewers.
Todays World News Headlines
Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do? After all, the media is only interested in stories that they feel their viewers will find interesting. So why not start your research by becoming a viewer and looking out what issues are affecting the public, and then determining if your business could contribute some data or a point of view to a singular news item.
Keep in mind that when an issue emerges on the news, it's not regularly a one-night story. There will be ensue up stories and opinions offered on the news stories of today in the days to come. By watching the News issue Idea factory today, you can find out what tomorrow's ensue up stories will be, and aim to be a part of them if they fit with your business.
Watch for the Hook - When you're watching the News issue Idea Factory, keep an eye out for news items that are somehow associated to your business. You're looking for a "hook" that you can grab on to, using your expertise and insight as a business owner and a subject matter expert to contribute to the story.
Here's an example: the news reports that traffic is 50% heavier since the local transit union went on strike. Drivers are frustrated and rush hour is dragging on for hours each morning and night.
If you're a mechanic, you could contribute your expert view on the additional strain that sitting in traffic puts on your car, and what drivers can do to protect their investment straight through car maintenance.
If you're a Chiropractor, you could contribute your expert view on what drivers can do to prevent back pain caused from sitting so long in their vehicles.
If you control a restaurant, you could advise the media that you're gift morning meal specials before 7Am in the morning, for those population looking to beat the traffic into the city. (If you have a local "morning show", there's a good opportunity they'd set up shop right in your cafeteria to capitalize on your idea and to talk to frustrated commuters.)
If you can hook your news issue in to the news of the day, you will likely get the attentiveness of your local media outlets and the 6 o'clock news. I call it the News issue Idea factory because as you watch the 6 o'clock news, story ideas for your business are surely being cranked out right before your eyes.
Be Responsive - You should have a plan for your marketing and your social relations activities, that guides you throughout the year. However, there are times when you need to react quickly. When a golden opportunity for a story idea comes along, take full advantage of the situation and get in touch with a reporter or producer, Now.
Let's take someone else example. If you own a business that sells home alarm systems and a rash of home break-ins is topping the local news in your area, you need to react quickly! In a case like this, a news issue may not be as foremost as simply manufacture perceive with a reporter and letting them know that you're ready to contribute to any story they might be running about how their viewers (or readers) can protect their homes. Offer them a list of home security tips, or a walkthrough on how much work is involved in installing an alarm system, or a breakdown of how the systems surely work.
Remember, the media needs experts to make the news they narrative credible. As person in the home alarm business, you are that expert. In a situation like this where the story is a hot topic, it's very likely they'll be happy to hear from you and even feature you in their story. Just be sure to have an idea in mind when you call - saying "Put me on Tv to talk about the up-to-date break ins in the area" won't cut it.
Remember, the news reports what's current and of interest to viewers. That's exactly the data you need to produce ensue up stories for reporters and producers that feature your business. So if you're wondering what your next news issue will be about, tune in to the News issue Idea factory at 6pm to find out.
The News issue Idea installationRelated : todays world news headlines
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